Nestled amidst the lush green mountains of Northern Vietnam, where the air is fresh, and the soil is rich with nutrients, the cinnamon trees of Khánh Thành grow under the devoted care of local farmers. They rely on organic farming methods, avoiding chemicals and synthetic fertilizers to preserve the environment and natural ecosystems.
For generations, cinnamon has been more than just a livelihood; it is a symbol of local pride. The people here believe that every strand of cinnamon embodies the essence of nature and the diligent efforts of their labor.
Khánh Thành Organic Cinnamon was created with the mission to bring the unique flavor of this land into every household. It is not just a spice but a piece of culture, a contribution to health, and a celebration of nature’s love. Each product tells a story of commitment, preservation, and the sustainable development of the Khánh Thành cinnamon-growing community.
Address: Thon 2, Hoa Cuong Commune, Tran Yen District, Yen Bai Province, Vietnam.
Hotline: +84 932 231 326